Masked Bobwhites at Buenos Aires NWR HQ
We end our trip at the headquarter of Buenos Aires NWR looking and finding the really rare Masked Bobwhite and enjoying the grasslands
Sightseeing and Nature Watching along the way
We end our trip at the headquarter of Buenos Aires NWR looking and finding the really rare Masked Bobwhite and enjoying the grasslands
In the morning we explore the other nature trail in the area, the Arivaca Creek Trail, looking for interesting birds in the nice riparian area
From Arivaca Lake we continue south towards Ruby visiting mines and ruins and evading cows ending with a celebratory dinner in Tubac
We spend an hour exploring beautiful Arivaca Lake following the shore to search for birds and damselflies
First stop of our visit to Arivaca is the Arivaca Cienaga Trail to successfully see our first Thick-Billed Kingbirds in the US