Birding near Pena Blanca Lake
Last tour of the festival for us is to the Pena Blanca Lake exploring the lake and the area around it for some Arizona specialties
Sightseeing and Nature Watching along the way
Last tour of the festival for us is to the Pena Blanca Lake exploring the lake and the area around it for some Arizona specialties
At midday we attend an identification workshop in Reid Park where we are the only people due to previous rain and then eat and relax the rest of the day
After a deluge we decide to go ahead with a trip near Tubac looking unsuccessfully after becards but finding lots of other birds
In the evening we go on a night birding tour to look for south Arizona specialties with no luck
Our first trip during the Tucson birding festival is into Box Canyon seeing our first Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet in Arizona