Exploring the beaches of Polihale State Park
We end the day at Polihale State Park exploring the beaches and the cliffs at the end of the road and a nice dinner afterwards
Sightseeing and Nature Watching along the way
We end the day at Polihale State Park exploring the beaches and the cliffs at the end of the road and a nice dinner afterwards
The first stop after we exit the resort is at Kawai’ele Waterbird Sanctuary to explore the trails and find some native birds
After arriving late the previous night at our accomodation we explore the beautiful grounds in the morning finding lots of exciting birds
Two nights trip to Strawberry exploring a few hiking trails in the area.
Exploring a different area around Bushnell Tanks including a section of the Arizona Trail
Exploration of Highline Trail while geocaching along the way starting from Hatchery TH
We stop at an actual wild cave to see bats and also visit the nearby hermitage in a beautiful natural setting
There are many new monasteries here and we visit one of them, St Cassian Monastery, which has a nearby cave where the Saint meditated
Adamclisi was a place we always wanted to visit to see the famous Tropaeum Traiani represented on Romanian stamps and coins
On the first major stop of the day we visit the interesting Capidava fortress which was recently partially reconstructed