South Africa

South Africa is one of the most developed countries in Africa which makes it an important target for safaris. Unfortunately it has huge income disparities that leads to areas that are considered no-go zones especially in cities. But the nature parks and sights can be breathtaking and being reasonably danger aware allows you also to visit the major cities, or at least Cape Town. Kroger National Park is especially famous as a safari destination but we really enjoyed the wildflowers of Namaqualand and the beautiful sights of the western coast.

Our only visit to South Africa is part of an almost three week self drive safari in Namibia and South Africa taking in the spring flowers in Namaqua, seeing the Cape of Good Hope and the nearby penguin colonies and visiting Cape Town. It seems quite safe to us outside Cape Town and inside Cape Town during the day in the tourist areas was safe enough also. We drove all around and especially the Cape of Good Hope is very popular with huge groups of tourists hogging the sights.

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