The last stop for today is at the Antietam National Battlefield where the first incursion of the pro-slavery Confederacy was checked by the USA army ending the first invasion of the North and paving the way for the Emancipation declaration and freeing of all slaves and in the long run the loss of the war for the secessionist states.
As at Monocacy we are not able to find anything remarkable across the battlefield with trails leading near fields and pastures and relatively little information.
What is surprising to us is the relatively positive focus on the secessionist pro-slavery Confederacy with symbols and plaques exhorting their successes. Even if these are privately paid they are on a National Battleground and it feels somehow off. It is like going in St Petersburg and seeing Nazi flags everywhere and everything being how valiant the Nazi have fought to protect their right to enslave and kill other people.
After our visit we end the day with a nice steak dinner before going to bed, tomorrow is our last day in the area and we have one more battlefield planned to visit.