After a morning of meeting of alpacas it is time to start exploring the area we have chosen to visit today. We have one major goal, to visit an abandoned railway tunnel but first we stop to visit a bonus location, the Rod’s Winter Camp. We park at the entrance to the side road leading to it and start on the relatively short hike to the camp proper.

It is a nice hike through the beautiful landscape and level at first before descending towards what seems to be a sinkhole or crater.

At the bottom is Rod’s Winter Camp, we assume based on the name of the nearby waterhole. It is a ruined and abandoned location with multiple destroyed stables, we assume there were quite a few animals here during its heyday.

We explore the ruins for a while finding Rod’s Cabin, we assume in the middle of it all and we decide to enter it, who knows what is inside?

Soon we know what is inside, shelves and not much else. It is a one room cabin really, even the restroom was outside if there ever was an official restroom.

We also stop at the waterhole which gave us the name of the camp but is now mostly dry. And then it is time to return to the car, it is getting late in the day and we still have to reach the railroad tunnel which is our primary goal.