With our team reunited and the weather still reasonably good we decide to explore closer to Phoenix specifically near Table Mesa Road. There are a lot of caches here that we want to find and we will use a combination of Jeep and hiking to get to them. Some are actually quite large, it is tough to take them out of their hiding places really.

The exploration on the dirt roads takes us beneath the interstate into the large median between the two directions of traffic where quite a few caches are. Also in the area is the gas pipeline easily visible by the disturbed desert where it was buried not too long ago.

Wildlife wise we find a large nest in a saguaro, an eagle nest we assume and we are right. As we look around we see an eagle swooping and flying around us so we decide to move on as fast as possible to avoid any conflict. And then it is time to return home after about six hours of hiking and driving through the desert while enjoying the flowering saguaros.