In the afternoon we want to explore the area around Greens Peak. We have heard there might be mushrooms here and there are also a few caches to find. And in addition we want to do maintenance on the second cache we placed. But first we stop at an area among trees where there are two caches to find and maybe some mushrooms. And we find both the caches and lots of lobster mushrooms, it is a good start of our mushroom hunt.
Next we stop at the Beehive Spring to look for another cache and maybe some bird and mammals. There is a nice pond here which should attract birds but only junco are seemingly around.
We have no luck with the cache but at least we find the spring and a chipmunk watching us carefully, quite fun, he looks like a ninja ready to jump at any second.
Next stop is at Greens Peak. We park at the base and decide to hike to the top however the dark clouds that seem to be coming in are a bit scary as we do not want to be on top when the lightning starts seriously.
And then there are all the groups of motorcycles passing by at high speed and raising lots of dust which are quite annoying. So after half an hour we decide to return especially as the lightning seems to approach dangerously and we do not want to be in an open area.
The next, and last due to rain, stop is at one of the oldest caches we placed, in fact our second cache. At that time we camped at the bottom of the hill and while exploring we decided to place the cache.
Today we recreate our old ramble through the forest, it seems much more difficult uphill, it seems the age is catching up with us. We find the cache easily and it is in a good condition. So we spend some time eating a snack but then the rain starts so we start retreating downwards towards the car.
The rain stops for a short while giving us hope but then it starts seriously so we arrive at the car quite wet and decide to retreat to Eager and eat some steak to recuperate the energy lost. Tomorrow we have the mushroom hunt in the afternoon but still have to decide what to do in the morning, that is a problem for tomorrow.