Agrasen ki Baoli, the beautiful stepwell

Returning from our Old Town visit we pass by the ticket counter for the Red Fort which is quite busy but not as much as the one near the entrance which was really packed. As we get to the car we notice that there is a lot of trash around, likely no matter how much is collected there is more being thrown around. We tell the driver to take us to the stepwell and even though he is not that happy, not sure why as it is on the way to the hotel, he obliges and on we go.

The stepwell is quite impressive and very popular as it is near a university. It is also quite old being rebuilt in the 14th century but likely being much older. As a bonus it also has a physical geocache for us the second one in India for us.

Then we return to the hotel and it is time for dinner at the hotel restaurant. We choose a vegetarian and a mutton option with the vegetarian one unexpectedly having lots of onion which neither of us likes unfortunately. Also it is purely broccoli in cheese, nothing that interesting. The mutton is better but still quite spicy. We eat as much as we can and then it is time to go to bed, something different to do when the time zone difference is almost exactly 12 hours.

In the morning we eat paratha, which will be a staple morning food for us in the following days, and Uttapam which again has unexpected onions in it and ensures we have a bias against it during the rest of our trip.

We really like the breakfast room especially when it is more empty, it looks quite cozy and European even though the food is quite Indian inspired.

Before leaving for the day to Lodi Garden we explore the common areas of the hotel including the two terraces. They are not used by any other guests but they have some good views and we enjoy sitting a while and just looking around. And then it is time to try walking through Delhi towards the Garden which is about twenty minutes away.

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