Phoenix Food Festival

After the Ostrich festival the day before it is time for the food festival in our festival weekend. This food festival is structured as such that you pay an entrance fee but then you can eat and drink as much as you like from the many stands. All of them are offering a small sample so arguably you could taste a lot of varied offerings.

What we didn’t expect is the mass of people at the festival, it is actually quite difficult to find open stations and then you start to wonder why those are not mobbed similarly to the other ones. Still the food is quite good and we enjoy our samples.

We enjoy walking around and watching how the stations are serviced, it is fun to see that the longest line is not at any food stations but at the wine station.

We continue to eat our way through the stations with a good selection of briskets and desserts, when possible. They are quite good and we enjoy them but we are getting quite full and fast.

We continue exploring the choices, some are quite out there and some seem just for show like the roasted pig rolling slowly over the fire.

We then explore a bit the surrounding area with the food festival being near the Art Museum but then it is time to return home to digest the over-intake of good foods.

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