Paipu Beach, the place to see seals and turtles

Last stop today is Poipu Beach voted the #1 beach in USA. It is great for snorkeling which is the main reason we are here but as soon as we arrive we are distracted by something on the beach. It is a green sea turtle close to beachgoers relaxing while on the other side a Hawaiian Monk Seal is sleeping on another section of the beach.

First we take a look at the turtle while keeping a safe distance even though not everyone is doing that. Either way soon volunteers come to the site to create a safety parameter around the turtle and the hubbub subsides.

We then move to the Hawaiian Monk Seal who promptly decide that he had enough sleep but is to lazy to go to the sea and decides to simply roll in the water – cute.

Then it is time to snorkel, the benefit here is that you do not need to go far to see the fish, they are literally in the shallows. We try to avoid to swim in deep water due to our tired legs as we are afraid of cramps.

The fish are literally everywhere it is difficult just to keep track of the ones we are seeing. One of the more interesting ones is the ambon toby who is quite funny looking.

The bigger fish that we see are mostly Parrotfish and Unicornfish both of them quite weird looking and a bit scary when they come right up to you from the back (they are also scared of us quite easily though).

After enjoying one more beautiful sunset it is time to get back to the cabin and pack our stuff as tomorrow is the day we are changing locations on the island.

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