After exiting the San Felipe del Morro Castle we watch a live cannon exercise they are doing on the lawn and it almost seems like they are shooting at the cruise ship that is entering the harbor.

Then our tour of the city continues toward the coast hiking trail which is just outside the city walls however it is hot and humid so we put in a token effort and then run back to the shade of the city.

We continue through the now quiet streets to Casa Blanca which is the former residence of Juan Ponce de León of the Fountain of Youth legend and his descendants and is now a museum. Unfortunately it is closing so we just wander through the grounds and then move on. Here we notice that most streets in the city are paved with cobblestones which look great but I am sure are difficult to maintain and make for more difficult walking.

Next on our exploration is the Fortaleza which is the official residence of the Governor of Puerto Rico. The narrow quiet streets here are really picturesque so we take quite a few pictures as we continue exploring. We pass the slimmest building in San Juan, La Casa Estrecha (The Narrow House), if you blink you miss it.

We continue exploring while also visiting different curio shops. We really like a shop that is dedicated to different forms of art created using butterflies, unfortunately the prices are out of our range.

Before we turn towards the hotel we visit the Parque de Las Palomas which for us was simply the Pigeon Park. It has nice houses for the pigeons and also there are lots of people feeding them so of course there are a lot of pigeons most of which are really tame. There are also a few interesting sculptures and we also find a few huge caterpillars that are milling about which we watch for some time.

We get to the hotel really tired after a full day of walking and go to sleep relatively fast to catch up on the lost sleep before leaving towards the east of the island.