Next stop is the major attraction for the day, Blarney Castle. It was built about 600 years by one of Ireland chieftains. It is famous because of the Blarney Stone which is supposed to endow the kisser of the stone with the gift of blarney (or gab/eloquence). We are curious to see this famous stone so we make our way to the battlements via the gardens.
The gardens themselves are well maintained and worth a stroll.
They are also full of supposedly magical stones and ruins that set the stage for the Blarney Stone.
Before the climb we rest and visit the visitor center with a surprise European Robin found near it.
And then it is time to climb to imposing tower. We can see a weird concoction on one side of the tower and wonder what it is, is it related to the stone?
Zooming in we still cannot decide but there are some people there so we guess it might be close to the stone. And then it is time to climb with the multitude of masses to the top.
On the way we enjoy the views of the ruined battlements surrounding the tower, they would do well in a fairy tale movie about magic castles.
Speaking about movies there were quite a few shot here or about the Blarney Stone, always about someone stealing it for some reason. We have time to think about this as we wait in the long line of people waiting to kiss it.
The location of the kissing stone looks actually quite dangerous and you have to perform some heroic gymnastics to kiss it. We decide that we are eloquent enough and take photos of other people trying it before continuing on.
Before leaving Blarney we take a look at the actual castle and wander through the poison plants garden, worth it, and then it is time to move on.