Our last major stop for the day is at Lees Ferry, part of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Here there was a historic crossing of the Colorado River, one of a precious few in the Grand Canyon area. As the water is flowing today however we would have been scared a lot trying to cross in this spot.
With this much water there were a few farms in the area with Lonely Dell Ranch being preserved as part of the National Recreation Area. We take our time visiting it as it is quite an interesting historic location.
We wander around the historic buildings for a while and also explore the roads close by for other attractions.
Close to the cliffs we find a great spot for a photo with a cabin being nicely framed by the mountains in the background.
The whole area is quite scenic and we like exploring it finding scattered farm equipment and trucks with the red cliffs in the background. It is a nice area but unfortunately it is getting late so we start making our way back to the parking lot.
Before leaving we take one more look at the wild Colorado River and then it is time for the 6 hour drive back to Phoenix, without stopping. Overall it was a much too short trip in an area that we always like to explore but this was the only time we had available to take off from work unfortunately.