We wake up early in the morning due to the time difference and then prepare our hotel breakfast. Which is basically coffee, tea and a couple snacks from the previous day from the plane. It is barely enough but we hope it will keep us till the lounge where we hope to get additional breakfast. We also have time to enjoy the view from the window – but there is nothing to enjoy as we see an interior courtyard and other rooms mostly.

Then it is time to check out and start on our procession back to the Terminal. Being refreshed after a night of sleep we have more time to admire the architecture of the hotel, which is quite modern full of glass and steel.

Even the hallway connecting the hotel to the airport seems shorter in the morning and we take a detour to go outside and see and feel the London air at least for a few moments.

We pass security at a reasonably ok pace and then it is time to search the lounge. Luckily there are free places inside so in we go and are ready to eat the real breakfast of the day.

The food here is good with an English breakfast, pancakes and some great croissants. The coffee and drinks are quite welcome also and we spend a couple hours here until a gate is announced for our plane.

It is a short walk to the gate and then it is time to board our plane. It takes a bit of time to be able to leave the gate, Heathrow is always quite busy, but as long as we go we don’t care about a little delay.

And then we are taxiing and are in the air – up and about for an adventure in Cyprus that we are looking forward to.