Mogollon Rim near Strawberry

Today we decide to explore the Mogollon Rim mostly around Strawberry. The exploration is guided by a few caches that we picked mostly at overlooks of Calf Pen Canyon. After reaching the first one we decide to continue exploring along the Rim towards another cache hoping for even better views.

And soon we get them from an outcrop as we can see the canyon even better but still we think there must be a better view so we continue on.

The next overlook we reach is the best yet with expansive views down the Calf Pen Canyon. It certainly satisfies us and we return to the car to explore a couple more areas.

The areas we explore in the afternoon are on the other side of US87 on the Milk Ranch Point Road and Rim Road. Of course many of the caches are stil placed at overlooks some of which are impressive. We always enjoy this area as it has lots of overlooks and it is relatively easy to find at least one where no one else is around. We end our day at Patton Spring, it is already dark at this point so it is time to return to Phoenix after a great day in the outdoors.

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