Night birding on Brown Canyon Road

After the morning birding tour we have one tour planned in the evening. This one will take us to the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge onto Brown Canyon Road where historically some special night birds have been seen. But there is some downtime between the tours and we return to relax to our hotel room.

We spend some time just exploring the hotel grounds and the expo area, weirdly there are no presentations exactly when most people are in the hotel.

We leave during late afternoon and stop a few times on the way to try to catch a few nighthawks as some of the participants haven’t seen them before. We also keep an eye out for the clouds, there is the possibility in case of major rain that we will remain stranded on Brown Road something no one wants.

No major rain is forthcoming however so we make it to the end of Brown Road where the reminder is closed off by the National Forest. We hoped that the festival have booked further entrance but that is not true so we just listen for owls and nightjars and other night birds from the entrance. Unfortunately nothing can be heard so we start returning to Tucson while stopping along the road and listening for night birds. Unfortunately it is a quiet night, the only things we see are toads and kangaroo rats, both interesting but not what we were hoping for. We return late at night to Tucson and go to sleep as tomorrow we have a few other long birding trips planned.

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