From Tulcea we start making our way west. But not for long our next stop is relatively close, the Celic Dere Monastery. Like many of the monasteries here it is relatively recent, from the 19th century, but we decide to stop as our relative likes religious sites. And also it is in a relatively scenic location so why not?

After finding parking space near the fountain in the middle of the village square we make our way up to the monastery. It is a surprisingly long path to the church but the path is full of flowers and quite enjoyable.

We finally arrive at the church and it is free to enter so in we go. There aren’t other people inside except a cleaner who keeps a strict eye on us for some reason. Maybe we look suspicious, who knows.

There are a few relics here but we are not sure how authentic they are. Especially as the church went through a scandal not that far back when the saint relics they supposedly were housing were identified as being animal bones. Quite something really.

Returning we drive only a few more kilometers before stopping at a winery that supposedly offers tasting or at least bottles for sale. To our surprise it is more like an industrial enterprise and the people seem surprised that anyone has come to buy direct. But in the end they do sell us some good looking bottles. But then at the gate they don’t want to let us out, do they think that we came just to steal the bottles? Finally a call resolves the issue and on we go after this weird interlude.