A fun boat ride in Comana Natural Park

Between two excursions we have one full day in Bucharest and we plan to spend it in Comana meeting with relatives and enjoying the very popular Comana Natural Park. And maybe take a boat tour to see birds, let’s see what is posssible when we get there. But first we have to get out of Bucharest towards Giurgiu before turning towards Comana.

The entrance to Comana is marked with a huge swan which is a sign of things to come. And then after a short stop for our relatives to start grilling we make our way to the Natural Park via car first.

We learn that the park is hugely popular with the parking lot being full, lots of vendors in front and throngs of visitors everywhere. It is quite surprising to us as last time we were in the area there were barely a few people here but maybe it was off season.

There are lots of people in the tree courses, it seems it is the most popular attraction in the adventure park that sits right next to the nature park. And that you have to pass to get to the lake and nature part, at least if you come from the parking area.

On the shore we find a spot that seems to be the wedding spot. There are multiple wedding parties queued it looks like one of those comedy or maybe romance movies and we watch them for a while before making our way to the more quiet area of the preserve.

In this outlying section there are a few trails and we also have a nice view of the boat doing tours of the marsh. We decide to try it later, it seems a nice way to explore the marsh and maybe it is more peaceful.

As we get out of the crowded area the birds start to appear including some interesting ones like Little Bittern. We enjoy the short trail for a while before returning back to the house, it is time for lunch.

For the next couple hours we eat lunch with our relatives and enjoy the good food and company. And after that it is back to the park for our boat tour.

The boat seems to be empty when we board but when we leave it is full with adults and unfortunately also young children that are quite vocal throughout the trip.

Even so the swans seem to be used to it so they pass by us in singles and families. It now makes sense to us that a huge swan welcomed us when we entered Comana.

There are also cormorants and a Ferruginous Duck, a first for us so at least from a bird perspective it was a successful trip.

The canal that the boat is taking tightens up so the captain takes the decision to return back to dock passing again by throngs of swans and ducks. And then we are back and it is time to return back to Bucharest as tomorrow we are starting our trip into Dobrogea.

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