We start today with a stop in Apache Junction to try a popular restaurant and celebrate, something? Or just to eat lunch really. We are happy that there is booth open and then we order steak and dish. Surprisingly we are not given an option regarding how the steak should be and it is quite dry when it comes out but otherwise good. And the fish is quite good so we decide to order dessert. Which we can’t do as the server skips us a few times and then brings us the check without asking. Quite surprising again but at least we will not get fatter.

From the restaurant we go up Apache Trail till the parking lot for the Massacre Falls Trail, no idea where the name is coming from. There are no massacres ongoing so we make our way across the street and enter the National Forest area. For whatever reason the trailhead seems to be closed off with a fence even though the trail is clearly visible and people are walking on it so in we go and start on the trail.

From almost everywhere we see the beautiful sight of the Superstition Mountains, it will be the one constant of our five mile hike. But first we start on a loop clearly shown on our GPS but difficult to follow in real life due to many parallel trails that lead to different locations.

Having the track on the phone is quite helpful as we follow it up one side of the loop. Just when we have to change directions we notice a huge abandoned homeless camp. Not sure if the camp was on the trail or someone moved it but still it is quite weird.

We cannot find the first cache we look for which is on an abandoned side trail. Or maybe not so abandoned if someone found and removed the cache.

But we find all other caches and also a few birds. Again there are many phainopepla and even a Harris Hawk, surprisingly to see them alone as they hunt cooperatively.

The most difficult cache is on top of a hill but at least it is easy to find before we descend to complete the loop. The views are beautiful and in this area there are no other hikers so we enjoy the solitude, as long as we can ignore the cars passing on the distant street.

We enjoy the views of the Superstition Mountain on the way back as we return from our loop hike back to the parking lot. But as the sun is still above the horizon we decide to continue our hike on the other side until the sun sets.

Here we follow first a nice wash to avoid most other people, this area is much more popular. And there are lots of people just staying in the parking lot waiting for the sunset. We are surprised when we see a giraffe in the distance however upon closer inspection it is a trick of the mind, it is simply a raven on top of a dead saguaro.

There are many birds here including quite a few cactus wren that eye the red tailed hawk on top of the saguaro warily. But the hawk is more interested in cleaning itself than hunting, or maybe it is a ruse?

After some time in the wash we cross to a different trail on top of the ridge which is more popular usually but at sunset is mostly deserted.

From here we have a premium view of the sunset. It is quite beautiful as the horizon catches fire as the sun approaches the horizon line.

We spend a few more minutes to wait for the sun to descend completely and take many photos in the meantime. And now as the cold starts to encroach we walk back to the car and return to our home after a beautiful day out.