Leaving Bonavista we have time for one more short stop to see the “Root Cellar Capital of the World”, Elliston. We are not sure how validated that is but even seeing one should be fine for us. And we find one just as we enter the village and with no one else around we can explore a bit.
We even go inside and yes it is colder but there are no vegetables or anything else kept in there. Likely because this is a tourist root cellar :).
We also drive to the puffin site just in case it is a short access to it. Even the parking is full so we take a look from the car at the nearby root cellar and then drive, very slowly, past the entrance.
The puffins really are too far and we decide to skip but soon stop as one of us shouts “Bald Eagle!!”. Nope it is Black-Backed Gull and now thoroughly ashamed we decide to move on towards Terra Nova National Park.