Looking for Mushrooms at the Lightning Ridge Trailhead

The mushroom foray is supposed to meet at the Lightning Ridge Trailhead and that is where we assume that the foray will be happening. However after arriving and meeting with the group leaders we find out that we will spend here only half hour and then move further up the dirt road to another trailhead where they found more mushrooms including boletes. So as soon as everyone is here it is time to start exploring and looking for mushrooms.

We have not been here before, it is a nice forest, not too dense but still enough trees for shade. Not that we need the shade given the fact the clouds are covering the skies quite ominously, we wonder if we will escape the rain at all.

Even though it is only an half hour this part of the foray is productive there are quite a lot of lobster mushrooms and even a few chanterelles and boletes. And many other mushrooms that our leaders know about but we would be afraid to pick without their expert guidance. And then under the watchful eyes of squirrels it is time to return to the car to move to the other trailhead which is about 15 minutes away. But of course it takes double the time because we need to gather everyone and ensure that they are ready for the relocation.

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