After a long drive we arrive in the evening in Eager at the AirBnB we booked, a former farm house for ostriches that now keeps an ostrich theme. On the way we also buy some food and escape the rain while watching as our tires deflate as we pass through a storm that also brings cold temperatures. Our car even sends us an email that the tires are deflating, yes we know we are in it.

It is a relatively small house but good enough for a few nights with a bath, a sleeping room, a kitchen and a living room.

We really like the fact that it tries to keep the ostrich theme inside as much as possible with ostrich artwork throughout.

Before we go to sleep we eat from our takeout, some good Mexican food that is enough for a couple days.

However on another night we have to eat out at our preferred restaurant in Eager, Trailriders, that we discovered a few years back.

We both like the salad bar and also the good steaks, we are happy that it exists as otherwise there aren’t many other options around in the area.