For the last activity in India before we leave we have to choose something indoors and we decide on a mall. As the driver does not want to cross state lines due to tolls he convinces us to go to the Ambience Mall. We don’t know enough about it so why not, let’s explore it.
From outside the mall looks good and upscale and we are curious how different it will be inside from the mall we visited the day prior.
And the answer is no, it is almost a carbon copy of the mall we were the previous day. As such there isn’t a lot to do except people watch and then search for a place to eat something.
We decide to try McDonald’s in India, as we expected it is vegetarian including the Big Mac which is renamed to Maharaja Mac here. What we didn’t expect was the spiciness, oh my god, it is unexpectedly spicy especially as it is not at all expected.
And then it is time to get to the airport and say goodbye to our driver who while being a safe driver most of the time and giving good advice also annoyed us occasionally especially by quasi refusing to take us to some destinations due to cost reasons, even though everything was supposed to be included. We spend the time to the flight in the busy lounge, at least we make it inside without a long wait.
The flight to New York is long, really long, but uneventful and then we are suddenly in the land of snow and ice after being too hot for so long.
However that is only for a short time as we fly south to Phoenix and arrive safely home after almost a day of travelling. It then takes us a few days to get readjusted from the craziness of India streets to the solitude of the American ones, but overall the trip was one of the most interesting ones with a good mix of nature and cities with the only but major drawback being the beggars, louts, guides and other people pestering you almost constantly and not allowing you to relax at almost any point.