After finding about the annular eclipse that will pass really close by we decide on a extended weekend trip to the northwestern part of New Mexico where the full eclipse will be visible. We find reasonably priced accomodation in Gallup and that is where we go. We leave right after work and arrive in Gallup around 10PM local time after which it is time to go to sleep as in the morning we have an eclipse to watch.
The path of totality does cross over Gallup but the major watching parties are in Grants about an hour away. We drive there at one of the official sites near a golf course. There are few people here which is nice and the official watchers offer us eclipse watching glasses first for $1 and then for free as they are afraid we will look at the sun directly.
We have about half hour till totality which we spend by looking at the sun and seeing how it is covered by the moon bit by bit. Outside we cannot really see a difference in light but when we look at the sun it is clear it is already more than three quarters gone.
Soon there is just a sliver of the sun left and then there it is…the perfect ring. Annular eclipse means exactly that, due to the distance of the sun and the moon the moon cannot cover the sun fully and there is a ring remaining around the sun. Even now it is not dark completely but it is significantly darker and colder and a cold evening wind starts to blow. Even the birds start to settle for the night, it is fun for the few minutes it last.
Afterwards we decide to also visit the main eclipse party in downtown Grants. We park near the Uranium Mining Museum which even though it is Saturday is closed. Nearby in the creek we find quite a few mallards, quite fun to see in the desert.
We then pass the really unimpressive City Hall and an old locomotive exhibit and make it to the eclipse party that is happening in the central city park.
This is the major party and there are vendors and food trucks and even police, why really though. We look at the souvenirs and the available food and then decide to explore a bit more the area before moving on.
Close by is one of the Grants attraction, a neon sign on Route 66 under which you can pass with your car for some nice photos. But today it is closed so no luck. Another interesting exhibit are the huge weaved baskets made by Native Americans on the main street in Grants.
We continue exploring the sculptures and following some geese and ducks that really are none too happy about it.
The city park expands into a green belt that surrounds a man made lake full of ducks and surrounded by a few sculptures including Man with Raven, a sculpture that we really like.
There are a few birds in the area, none really that interesting except maybe a Wilson’s Warbler that we watch for a while before returning to the car. Then it is time to find something to eat, a brunch really. We find a really good Mexican restaurant and filled it is time to continue exploring the area.
The last stop in Grants area is at the San Rafael Church, an old Spanish build church. Unfortunately it is closed but it is quite scenic and well maintained and we enjoy our stop here before moving on towards El Malpais and Bandera Volcano.