For the first time on the trails after our epic European adventure we choose something relatively close to us at a higher altitude so we can enjoy cooler temperatures, Red Rock Spring Trail. It is a little known trail that can be accessed from a trailhead located on the Fire Control Road and can be used to access the Highline Trail which is our intention.

The trail is almost continously uphill so it is good we have a few caches to find along the way, this allows us to catch our breath and enjoy the views.

There is not a lot of wildlife along the trail, we do not see anything except lizards. In contrast there are flowers almost everywhere and quite a few butterflies drawn by them.

As we climb the views behind us become more sweeping and we enjoy stopping repeatedly to take them in.

And then suddenly we are at the intersection with the Highline Trail and our plan is to go first west to find a cache then return and go east to find another cache.

But first we stop at the dry Red Rock Spring where we eat our snacks on the strategically placed logs. It is a nice place to linger a while and to catch our breath.

And then it is time for our one mile hike along the Highline to a cache that we weren’t able to get previously from the Pine Trailhead. We are quite happy that this section is quite even and not with a lot of up and downs.

Still one section is a bit iffy, there was a landslide here and the trail is hugging the cliff quite precariously. We make it safely in both direction though and find the cache and it is now time to return towards the spring and continue in the other direction.

This stretch also has a few birds we find a very vocal Mountain Chickadee and very skulky Bushtit very close to each other. We enjoy watching them for a time before they decide it is time to move on.

As we swing past the spring during the late afternoon we enjoy again a stretch that is quite level. To our surprise we also discover a tractor along the way, maybe it was used to maintain the trail?

As the sun is setting we have some nice views of the valley, however we cannot enjoy the views as much as we have to be careful while walking to not crush some huge grasshoppers that always decide to settle right on the trail in front of us.

The cache we were looking for is right past another spring, Pine Spring. This one is not dry and in fact it is an adventure just to go past it without getting wet.

We find the cache easily and then it is time to return towards our car as it is getting quite late in the day.

As we return heading west first we are treated to a great sunset, whenever the sun sets in Arizona and there are some clouds up the view is magnificent. And then the sun is below the horizon and it is getting dark so it is time to get our headlights out for the descent on the Rock Springs Trail. The going is much faster downhill and soon we are at the car ready for the return trip after a very relaxing Sunday outing.