Last stop in Estonia is Helme, the site of the first geocache in Estonia. The park is actually home to a wealth of different attractions and we decide to explore them while searching for the cache. The major one are the castle ruins but we leave those for the end of our tour as we start on the loop trail around the hill it is located on.
The cache is an easy find and then we continue on on the trail towards the next attraction the caves nearby.
The caves were used through the medieval times to hide from invading armies and were much more extensive than now. Unfortunately there was a cave-in and now only a few chambers can still be accessed.
Now it is time to climb towards the scenic ruins of Helme Castle on top of the hill. We have our pick of trails and we choose an easier one that leads us to the flat hilltop.
There isn’t much left of the castle but what is left is quite scenic and we enjoy exploring this seemingly out-of-time location.
And then it is time to descend back to our car with a short sidetrip to the nearby healing fountain. We think of bringing something to drink to our ailing relative but we are not sure if we wouldn’t be making it even worse so we give up on the idea. And now it is time for Latvia the next country on our trip.