Sagadi Manor is the major man-made attraction in Lahemaa National Park, a very well maintained manor built more than 500 years ago. It is also quite beautiful with pink and white colors but we don’t have time to enjoy it from the outside as it starts to rain quite heavily so we flee inside.
The manor is well furnished and we are also provided with an English guidebook so we proceed through the many rooms reading up on the history and looking at the period furniture.
There are very few visitors which makes walking through the rooms a bit surreal but also allows us to enjoy them for a longer period of time and take lots of photos.
The manor is split on two levels and on the top level we can even see the central chimney which quite impressive. You can enter the chimney through a door that led to a smoking chamber for meats, inside the chimney, quite convenient.
There are also some interesting details like the row of chairs anchored by a weird three-sided one that I am not sure how useful it was for sitting. We can also climb down the spiral staircase which is quite fun and bring us to a different part of the lower level.
The weirdest room is the hunting trophy room with lots of different trophies, obviously, including a wolf and a boar. Hunting was one of the only year round activities that the rich could do back in the days and they certainly had lots of various trophies and books and drawings showing how best to find and kill the animals.