Jägala waterfall, the widest waterfall in Estonia

Leaving Maarjamäe Castle it is time to continue on towards our next objective, which is actually a supermarket. We need provisions and fast and so we spend an hour to buy them before continuing on to the next tourism objective.

Our next stop is Jägala waterfall, the widest waterfall in Estonia. Finding it is a bit difficult as our GPS is pointing in a different direction than the signs. In the end we understand there are overlooks on both sides of the waterfall and the GPS was leading us to one and the signs to the other. The waterfall itself is quite impressive even though it is clearly not at full volume.

We notice from above a few people at the bottom of the waterfall so we look around and find the stairs going down just a few meters away and down we go.

It is good that we decided to descend as the view from below is quite different and we enjoy it for a while before climbing back to the car and continuing on.

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