Glendale Recharge Ponds

After our planned weekend trip fell apart due to unexpected issues with the lodging we have booked today we have a more relaxing outing planned. First stop is a short visit to the Glendale Recharge Ponds to gather data for the Phoenix Bioblitz. Somehow we park in the wrong area so we start with a short walk on the New River Trail which is full of doves, mostly white winged doves which are out in force.

As we start through the Recharge Ponds we are quite happy that even though it is hot outside, it is also windy which together with the water keeps the perceived temperature to a comfortable level. It is doubly good because there is zero shade on the trail which conversely leads to some nice views of the nearby stadium.

We are here mostly for the birds but there aren’t that many species really this time. The most common ones besides mallards are the killdeers that are admonishing us from the sides. Even red-winged blackbirds we see only one female, which is a lot fewer than expected.

Suddenly we hear a lot of noise from the highway so we look back and see a convoy of fast cars passing by. Then they stop and get out of the cars, right next to the ponds. Why? We have no idea but after about 10 minutes there they leave, leaving us with the mallards who really didn’t care at all about it.

The mallards are the only birds here that seem to have chicks. We see a lot of ducklings following their mothers across the water surface, very cute.

While there are not that many birds there are quite a few odonates/dragonflies. While there are not that many species the ones that are out are out in force. Common Green Darners are especially impressive due to their size and we watch them as they patrol their territories searching for mates.

We decide to make our hike a loop and follow the edge of the major pool filled with water. In fact surprisingly many of the pool are empty or not at capacity.

On this stretch of our hike we find the most diversity of species, however each of the species outside of the killdeer is represented by only on bird each, still happy to see them.

After our outing in 90 degrees temperatures we spend some time in downtown Gilbert in air conditioned stores looking at the available selection and even buying some stuff before ending our day at Haus Murphy with a very filling German sampler platter for two.

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