Exploring the fun Bat Cave

After the nearby St Cassian monastery and cave we drive to another cave, this one a lot more wild. Even the name implies it, it is called the Bat Cave and hopefully it is not where Batman hides but who knows. Also finding it is not easy as we are not exactly clear where it is located and there are quite a few caves and caverns in the area. But first on the way we stop to visit some beautiful karst formations and find a few caches.

The views are quite nice and the road is quite good in this section, something that will change as we make our way from village to village looking for the turnoff for the cave.

In the end we choose a side road leading to the Hermitage Dionysius Exiguus. It seems it is the closest to the cave and it allows us to visit one more monastery in the area. The hermitage celebrates the life of Dionysius Exiguus an important monk and saint that is best known as the inventor of the Anno Domini (AD) dating used in almost all Western countries.

We are allowed to visit the church and this one is nicely decorated like an Orthodox church, not like the previous one we visited. Also there is no one else around, except monks, so we have the church and the Hermitage to ourselves.

From here it is a short climb to the cave that we discover relatively easy. And then in we go to explore the cave, it is quite fun to play-act like an explorer but where are the bats?

As we go further in we discover the first bats and we take a few photos before returning to the entrance. We decide to not go further in to not scare them somehow and force them into the light to be eaten by predators.

On the way back unfortunately our relative takes a bad slip and falls down. Luckily she is just shaken but nothing bad happen so we ensure she descents without falling the rest of the way and then it is time to visit a wild beach to maybe see some interesting birds.

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