Looking for birds at the Tucson Bird Festival

Highlight Photos

  • Green Heron
    Green Heron
  • Impressive Box Canyon
    Impressive Box Canyon
  • Lucifer Hummingbird on nest
    Lucifer Hummingbird on nest
  • Deer enjoying the green
    Deer enjoying the green
  • Pena Blanca Lake
    Pena Blanca Lake
  • Merriam's Kangaroo Rat
    Merriam’s Kangaroo Rat
  • Summer tanager
    Summer tanager
  • Cardinal singing
    Cardinal singing
  • Cassin's Kingbird dancing
    Cassin’s Kingbird dancing
  • Bird eating
    Bird eating

Highlights Map

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This weekend we are taking part in the Tucson Bird Festival trying to see a few rare birds that we missed previously. As such we decide on three major tours touching different areas that will maximize the opportunities to see rare birds. And then two smaller ones with additional opportunities for birds and learning. While in the end we do not see anything that special just being in nature and seeing various birds is a win for us and we really enjoy our time out on the trails while avoiding the heavy monsoon rains.

To learn more click on the Links below or Markers on the map above to go directly to a specific part of our trip and follow our visit to the Tucson Bird Festival.

  • Nice Birding in Box Canyon
    Our first trip during the Tucson birding festival is into Box Canyon seeing our first Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet in Arizona
  • Night birding on Brown Canyon Road
    In the evening we go on a night birding tour to look for south Arizona specialties with no luck
  • Looking for becards near Tubac during a deluge
    After a deluge we decide to go ahead with a trip near Tubac looking unsuccessfully after becards but finding lots of other birds
  • Bird identification workshop in Reid Park
    At midday we attend an identification workshop in Reid Park where we are the only people due to previous rain and then eat and relax the rest of the day
  • Birding near Pena Blanca Lake
    Last tour of the festival for us is to the Pena Blanca Lake exploring the lake and the area around it for some Arizona specialties

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