The last stop on our tour is Tombstone, really close to the Ghost Town trail we have been driving on all morning. Tombstone is the most famous historic Western town in Arizona and maybe in the whole west due to the gunfight at the OK Corral between the lawmen and Doc Holiday and outlaws, mostly Clantons. We stop first at the Boothill Graveyard where some of those killed in the gunfight are buried and then visit the nearby gift shop to buy some souvenirs before moving to the town proper.

Finding a parking space is quite difficult but we get one and then it is time to explore the main street which is maintained to look like in the 19th century so it is packed dirt with raised wooden boardwalks on the side. Right where we join the main street is one of the major attractions in Tombstone, the Bird Cage Theater. It was the major entertainment place in Tombstone and is now reputed to be haunted and was featured in multiple ghost shows.

We continue on the main street looking for a place to eat but most restaurants are full or have lines of people waiting outside so we continue searching passing by the famous OK Corral where the shooting happened. And now there are reenactments every hour or so, one seems to be incoming quite soon given the lawmen from the 19th century gathering outside.

With no luck on the main street we try the side streets and find a BBQ place that has open seating and good food and recharge ourselves before continuing to explore.

Next we find the historical building where the old newspaper was published for years but now it is maintained by skeletons. Creepy. Still we decide to enter, why not, as it is a newspaper museum now.

It is a one room museum but free and it is fun to see all these printing machines gathered together in one room. We try to guess how they were used, some are easier to explain than others but inventing uses is also fun.

We then explore a bit more including the impressive Courthouse while avoiding the wagons that are carrying corpses. Or so they seem, but it might be staged :). And then it is time to return to Phoenix after a fun trip but with hotter weather than expected.