One of our long term goals in the Phoenix area is to scout a way to reach the Cochran Coke Ovens either by 2WD or by hiking. We tried once from the north with no luck and this time we decided to try from the west. While we didn’t find a good access route we found some good desert scenery and a cool spot by the impressive Gila River. Our trip was focused on the area surrounding Price Road leaving out of Florence but on our way home we detoured on the Florence-Kelvin highway.
Price Road starting out of Florence is a good dirt road (first few miles are paved) that runs alongside the train tracks and the Gila River for quite a few miles. Initially there are quite a few houses but they start to thin out as we get further away from civilization. On the left, north, side is a live artillery shooting range so we follow all signs hoping that no live exercises are going on. There is some classic desert scenery with cacti and mountains close to the road and we stop a few times to take pictures of the nice views.
As the road starts curving towards the Box Canyon we stop and decide to try to make our push towards the Cochran Ovens. The river looked dry further down so we walk until we find a side road going to the central wash that we intend to take upstream towards the Ovens. To our surprise when we reach the wash it is choke full of fast flowing water it looks beautiful but unfortunately it also cuts us from our goal for the day.
We take lots of pictures and then return to the car to further explore area. As an aside we wonder, why was there no water downstream? We keep an eye open while returning and see a huge dam on the river, bingo.
With the suddenly free time we decide to explore a side road of Price Road the Sandman Road. It is still a good dirt road but less busy as the main road. We stop to take a few pictures of a cholla cactus and while exploring the surrounding area also find a discarded horn of a bighorn sheep, quite interesting.
Before returning to the main road we stop and we suddenly decide to take a more eagle’s eye view of the area and the mountain nearby seems perfectly suited to the task. Having a cache on top doesn’t hurt either. As we start climbing we notice it is a bit more difficult than we initially envisioned but all tiredness disappears when we find that the whole mountainside is full of moss. something unexpected here.
From the top the views all around are really great and we enjoy a well earned rest and snack stop before descending.
When returning to mix things up a bit we decide to use the Florence-Kelvin highway to pass through the mountains and then return to Phoenix on the US177 and US60. The road is again paved the first few miles and then becomes a good dirt road. As we pass another possible entrance for the Coke Ovens, this time from the south, we stop at a large parking area close to an area of boulders that seems to have become a free for all for graffiti artists. In a way it is almost an art site but it is becoming really cold and windy so we return to the car and plan to zip through the rest of the road and back to Phoenix. The plan works fine besides having to stop on US 177 for about 15 min because of an accident that closed the road in both directions and was just being cleaned up.