After the White House we make our way to Ford Theater where we have booked tickets for entry this morning. This is lucky as there is a huge line outside but we enter relatively fast with our timed tickets. It starts quite intense with the Petersen House where Lincoln died in as one of the first stops.

There is lots of information and the centerpiece here is the bed that Lincoln died on, quite sad. It would be interesting to know how the USA would have developed if Lincoln remained alive instead of what happened.

However what happened is that the Vice President, who escaped the assasination, became the President and he failed to upheld most of the ideals that the Civil War was fought for, unfortunately.

There are also other exhibits including one about model airplanes, which is quite unexpected but interesting for us.

And then we end the tour with a stop in the Ford’s Theater proper seing the famous presidential box where Booth killed Lincoln before fleeing and then being killed after a 12 day chase. The theater itself is quite large really but now it is mostly a museum only even though it looks ready for new plays. And out we go afterwards it is time for an art museum next.