Today we are driving towards Flagstaff where we plan to camp at the high altitudes. But first we stop on the way for multiple caches including one which is near an ancient Anasazi campsite. There are some old shards here strewn on the ground, very interesting.

But the major first stop is at Foxboro Lake Dam an older, possible abandoned dam and we want to visit it and find caches close to it.

The area is on National Forest land so we can explore the dam but the lake is on the other side of the road and is on private land or at least it is fenced so we look at it only from afar.

We find the cache easily and then explore the dam for some time, we still cannot decide if it is abandoned or not. It looks feasible to still work if the water is high. We also have a snack under the trees and then it is time to move on as we have a few more stops planned.