On top of Black Mesa

There is a difficult cache on the way to Payson that always fascinated us. It is on top of a mesa, Black Mesa, and we are not sure if it is actually doable. But today we will try after stopping shortly on the way to stretch our legs and find a couple caches.

Surprisingly we find an easy enough route up to the plateau and then it is simply time to follow the mesa towards the highest peak where the cache is.

On the way we stop a lot to admire the flowers, from Mexican poppies to lupines to goldenflowers.

We also admire the views and we would like to enjoy the solitude however that is not possible as a guy decided to set his shooting range at the base of the hill and his firing is disturbing the silence that otherwise would reign.

As we continue on the plateau we leave the shooting behind us and continue to enjoy varied views and beautiful flowers.

The California barrel cactuses are especially scenic in this section with some being deformed and some being just in the right position for a beautiful photo.

We finally find the cache, enjoy our snacks and now it is time to return enjoying the same beautiful views but in reverse.

With the shooter gone we decide to descend towards the lakes where he was located. They look quite scenic from above and we wonder what we can find there….however our first guess wasn’t bones for certain. More like mammals, birds or whatever. Either way soon we are at our car and tired we return home after a beautiful day out.

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