This Sunday we decide to explore the Black Canyon Trail. We just have to decide what section given the weather, in the end we settle on a section we haven’t hiked before that can be accessed from Table Mesa. The problem with the Table Mesa access is that there are lots of shooters and it sounds like a warzone near the road. Still if you survive to enter the wilderness it is much nicer…
The trail snakes around with some nice views. We see a few scorpions on this stretch as we find caches. They look a bit cranky but none are able to sting us as we are careful both when picking and placing the caches back.
An improvement to the trail in this section are the fence crossings, especially for bikes. While initially we find them interesting and well done as we go on we find a dead cow that was stuck in the bike crossing, maybe they are not that well thought out?!
As we continue on our look we see the Agua Fria wash multiple times, sometimes it even has water in it and seems to be flowing seriously. Luckily we do not have to cross it and we can enjoy it safely from dry ground.
We return to the car in the darkness and notice something on the trail. Shining a flashlight we are surprised to see a poorwill, really cool and sleepy. We avoid it as best as we can and excited return to the car after a beautiful day out.