First stop today is at Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery a Heritage Ireland site. As we have bought the Pass earlier in the trip it is free entry for us and we start with the major attraction Listoghil, the largest monument here. Listoghil is the focal structure of Carrowmore with the other monuments arranged around it.
It has also multiple other interesting features. The stone circle, the largest within the site, and the large burial chamber appear to be several hundred years younger than the platform. The chamber is the only monument at Carrowmore roofed with a limestone slab, the only monument bearing megalithic art, and the only chamber where the people who were buried there were not cremated.
We pass then by the visitor center and then continue on to explore the other stone circles in the monument.
There are a lot more stone circles and tombs than we expected, we find one in almost any direction we go and many of them have distinct features.
None of the features are quite as distinct as one of the better preserved circles which has visitors of the bovine persuasion that really do not want to leave the area. It is quite fun and after exploring the whole area thoroughly it is time to continue on.